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Crypto YouTube Part One - The Good, The Bad & The Suppoman

Jay Smith

As the Crypto craze sets its sights on the moon, there are hundreds of new ‘experts’ on the scene, more than happy to share their thoughts and expertise on Youtube. But who should you trust?

In this article series, I’ll be assessing cryptocurrency Youtubers with a simple rating system to help you navigate your way through the newbies and towards the great sources of information and news.

Each Youtuber will be given a score based on 8 different areas.

  1. News - How topical is the content? Is it balanced and well researched?

  2. Altcoins - How wide is their knowledge? Do they only focus on top cryptos? Do they shill for shitcoins?

  3. Technology - Do they understand cryptography, coding and development?

  4. Fundamentals -Do they understand the team, roadmap, business plan, game theory, and economics of a crypto?

  5. Technicals - Do they understand the markets and technical analysis?

  6. Coherence - Is the information easy to comprehend and conveyed clearly?

  7. Trustworthiness - Are they honest, balanced and reputable? Are their motives dubious or compromised?

  8. Experience - How long have they been involved in crypto and the surrounding fields?

All of these areas will have a score ranging from 1 (Bad) to 10 (Excellent) based off my own experience and interpretation of their content.

Nicholas Merten

Subscribers: 279,000

Activity: High

News: 6

Altcoins: 6

Technology: 5

Fundamentals: 7

Technicals: 6

Coherence: 7

Trustworthiness: 4

Experience: 7

Total: 48

DataDash is the most popular crypto focused channel on YouTube. While I have a lot of respect for Nicholas, and occasionally like to watch his videos, it feels like he is a jack of all trades and a master of none. He accepts paid promotion of ICO's and until recently was not disclosing this information which hurts his credibility.

He rarely digs far beyond the surface when exploring new cryptocurrencies, but offers a good starting point to anyone looking for information. Generally he focuses around top coins and has a strong understanding of the pro’s and cons of each. His trading tips while far from great are a good place to start for anyone looking to learn the basics.

Doug Polk

Subscribers: 186,000

Activity: High

News: 9

Altcoins: 7

Technology: 3

Fundamentals: 7

Technicals: 2

Coherence: 9

Trustworthiness: 10

Experience: 4

Total: 51

Doug is still reasonably fresh into the crypto space, but has made a massive impact. His focus is on news and drama within the community, rather than diving deep into the fundamentals, trading, or technology. I often find myself growing frustrated at some of the drama taking place in crypto, only to discover that Doug has already put together a hilarious video that rips apart the arguments I disagree with.

His sense of ICO's is a little different to my own, but he is well researched and clearly prides himself on accuracy and his place in educating newbies entering the space. I watch all of Doug's videos and think he offers a good introduction for those looking to understand the space with something a little lighter on the brain-cells. I genuinely look forward to his content.

Chris Dunn

Subscribers: 194,000

Activity: Low

News: 1

Altcoins: 4

Technology: 3

Fundamentals: 5

Technicals: 10

Coherence: 8

Trustworthiness: 8

Experience: 9

Total: 48

Chris Dunn has been around for a long time, his first ‘Bitcoin Basics’ video appearing on YouTube 4 years ago. With gaps of up to a month between videos, Chris chooses to focus less on individual news pieces and more on tackling the bigger questions a crypto investor may have, including “Why Price Crashes Are Healthy For Bitcoin” and “How To Trade The 5 Major Cryptocurrency Market Cycles”.

With such big topics, he rarely focuses on the technology or fundamentals of trading, and he has very little information on the various altcoins available. Chris’ channel tends to take more of a ‘vlogger’ approach and focuses heavily on self-improvement and the technicals of trading. I would recommend checking out his videos if trading is something that interests you, but be sure to back it up with other sources for fundamentals and technology.

Michael Suppo

Subscribers: 140,000

Activity: Daily

News: 4

Altcoins: 6

Technology: 2

Fundamentals: 4

Technicals: 2

Coherence: 7

Trustworthiness: 1

Experience: 5

Total: 31

The self-proclaimed ‘Superhero of Cryptocurrency’, Suppoman has risen to popularity on the back of his daily ‘Savage Cash’ and ‘Savage Crypto’ shows. A digital marketer & experienced YouTuber, with a previous channel that gained its following by piggybacking off the names of much bigger Minecraft YouTubers, Michael Suppo has experience in putting together coherent videos & growing an audience, he knows what it takes to be successful on Youtube.

His style stands out from other crypto channels which can feel slow and a little boring (sometimes I expect to wipe his spit off my face after watching a video of him shouting through the camera). He puts a majority of his focus on various altcoins and ICO’s, a service which could be incredibly useful for anyone in the crypto space. Unfortunately, there is good indication that he is being paid to shill shitcoins to his audience.

Even if he isn’t, Doug Polk’s video makes it clear that Suppo is far more interested in making money from his followers, often via his Udemy courses, than in providing honest information backed by a deep knowledge. I highly recommend avoiding his videos, although sometimes I check to see if he recommends a crypto to know if I should avoid it.


I’m planning on doing these YouTuber reviews regularly. Feel free to join my Discord and let me know how you feel about those covered in this article, and who you want to see next time.

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