Hi everyone, no video this week as our house has had a virus going around it, so all of us are in various stages of dying at this point. This will be a fairly barebones post this week, as I’m still recovering.
Stats given cover closed trades for the 9th July - 15th July
My total realized profit from the past week is 0.40% Overall the portfolio is down 0.44%
Profitable trades closed: 19
Unprofitable trades closed: 1
Most traded instrument: $SQ (6 Trades)
A small realised profit alongside a small unrealised loss for the portfolio this week. 20 trades in total means we are back to the usual levels of activity. This week we also have the $NFLX and $MSFT earnings calls to kick off earnings season.
Some drama this week for cryptos after Coinbase made an announcement of a non-announcement. Coinbase listed 5 cryptocurrencies that they *might* be adding at some point in the future. The currencies listed were $XLM, BAT, 0x, $ADA and ZEC. This came under heavy criticism on twitter for purposely causing pumps in coins that may never even be listed.
$XLM - Was one of our winners from the Coinbase Drama, I closed a trade opened only a week ago for 6.4% profit.
$EOS - 0.5% profit, just a quick trade.
Stocks $SPOT - An opportune trade after Spotify jumped to a new ATH, it looked oversold so I shorted for a small profit of 0.75%.
$FB - 1.1% profit from another quick trade.
$SQ - Tidying up the portfolio a little ahead of earnings. I expect Square to do well, but their price has surged this year and taking some profits was a sensible option. Two of the six trades were closed at 19% and 20% profit respectively.
$AMD - Two trades of under 1% profit, with AMD hitting highs not seen in several years I’m cautious ahead of earnings, especially given rumours of $NVDA announcing it’s next gen graphics cards.
$SEDG - Two trades around 1% & 4%
$NFLX - Two solid trades, one at 3.9%, the other at 5%, it’s been volatile ahead of earnings on Wednesday and I’ve taken advantage by trading that volatility.
$SHOP - One trade for 1.7% profit, I plan to hold on to my positions here for earnings.
$OIL - Finally closed my remaining oil short as they are no longer offering refunds on shorts. The only loss making trade this week at -37.8%.
$TWTR - Two small trades of 0.2% and 0.3% respectively, every little helps!
I promised to release my Q2 report over the weekend, but was not anticipating both myself and Jesse falling ill. As such it is delayed by a few days, but we are hoping to push it out as soon as possible. As always, comments and questions are welcome!